I like to tell people where I’ve been, I like to regale folks about the hills I’ve climbed, the long walks and adventures I’ve experienced and I love it when people read my blog and are inspired to cover the same route. Me and about a million other people do the same and in turn, we promote a wee piece of Scotland encouraging people to visit. It’s why I like to write my blogs; I love our countryside and I adore Scotland.
However, on my long-awaited first visit to Finnich Glen, I was disgusted by the level of litter and mess left from the hoards of tourists and visitors since the series Outlander was aired. I’ve never watched the programme to be fair, but it must have made some impact on the nation to inspire so many vandalising, cider swilling, Waitrose red wine quaffing, M&S sandwich scoffing, self-centered inconsiderates to visit an area of such natural beauty. From towels and trainers to tin cans and dirty nappies, mountains of rubbish piled high under bushes and trees, people thinking that keeping the pile together is being thoughtful, it is not, you are lazy and damaging. Take your crap home or don’t visit. Don’t blame your mum for not picking up after you, don’t blame the council for not providing bins and don’t blame the smells in the car on the way home. There is NO excuse for leaving crap except for the fact that you are bone idle and quite frankly, it’s a surprise that your lazy body managed to make it to the glen at all considering the lack of energy and effort you have. And stop leaving boxer shorts on branches, why would you do that?
If you’d made it this far through my ‘speech’, well done. I can say my rant is over and now I want to show you pictures of this glorious place without any rubbish in shot…

It is a beautiful place even in the cloudiest of weather, so moody and evocative. It started to rain slightly which added to the ambiance. Its romantic, scary, hypnotic and invigorating. I have lived most of my 48 years within a 7 mile radius of this and quite shockingly, this was my first time. We went mid-week and quite early, about 9.30am and it was relatively quiet with maybe another 10 people joining us throughout the morning.
A word of caution though: The steps down are quite slippy and i imagine even more so when the rain is heavier. The steps also pass through a narrow gap spanning maybe about 60cm in some places which i found quite claustrophobic and there is a fallen tree to navigate across which is on an angle. If heights, narrow spaces and tree clambering isn’t for you, keep following the path along, keeping the river to the left and as the gorge drops you can get to the water and when it’s low enough you can walk a short distance along. Also, please park considerately. The road at its busiest sees cars abandoned, causing obstructions and accidents resulting in hold-ups for miles. The council have put bollards up, albeit not very securely, and cars have been bumping them to make space for themselves. And dress appropriately, flip-flop terrain this is not…
My final and last point is PLEASE enjoy responsibly. I’m not against bonfires, picnics and drinking wine outdoors but take your sh*t home with you please and allow others to enjoy this great and free experience.