Yesterday was a bit of a personal challenge for me. With 2 years of living a fairly inactive life and having Covid 2 weeks ago, I was anxious and curious as to how I would do on this one. The munro #SgurrEildeMor would be a toughie at the best of times and had it not been for Vince’s patience and encouragement I probably wouldn’t have reached the top. But I did. And I’m ‘right pure chuffed’!!
Mountain range - Mamores
Munro - Sgùrr Èilde Mòr
Height – 1010m
Total walk – 13miles
Left home - 4am
Arrived Kinlocheven - 6.15am
Back to ground level - 3.15pm
Home - 5.30pm
Slept - 11.5hours
24 hours later - feeling invincible
My munro number 27 / 282